Mr Bongo Record Club Volume Six 2LP
NT$ 1,080.00
這個我從第一集引進到第五集全部店裏都有庫存,現在要出六了,那你知道這套有愛了吧,推廣世界各地重要音樂與重發稀有名盤及45轉,從巴西到古巴、加納、牙買加、日本、毛里塔尼亞、南非、瑞典、英國和美國,同時涉及罕見經典cult片發行的Mr Bongo,自1996年開始推出Mr Bongo Record Club系列合輯,合輯裡廣泛誇張的收錄了涵蓋samba-rock、modern soul、highlife、disco、boogie、jazz、house、techno、hip hop與dub,每一集全部都以2LP方式呈現,真的讚。
1.Dora Morelenbaum - Japão
3.General Lee - Pleasure
4.The Drive - Africa Bossa
5.Chiemi Eri - Okosa-Bushi
6.Manny Corchado And His Orchestra - Pow-Wow
7.Sven Wunder - Easy Going 04:14
8.Dina Ögon - Bakom Glaset
9.Vee Gees - Talkin
10.Mave & Dave - Do You Really Want My Love
11.Hazel Scott And The Braza Brasil - Ye-Me-Le
12.Inês Soares - Um Amor Para Toda A Vida
13.Haréton Salvanini - Estrada
14.Copa 7 - Copa Sete No Samba
15.Mirna - A Volta
16.Dina Ögon - Tombola 94
17.Unknown Artists - I Do You Love
18.Ash Soul, Inc. - I Do Love You
19.Ponderosa Twins Plus One - Bound
20.Matty - Blood
21.Shira Small - Eternal Life
22.The Flaming Souls - Admission
23.Philip Melala And The Movers - Intandane